Jay Shah, the secretary of BCCI, has shared the details of introducing prize money for players in domestic tournaments. The BCCI has taken steps to strengthen India’s domestic arena by increasing the prize money for various tournaments, including the Ranji Trophy, Irani Cup, Duleep Trophy, Vijay Hazare Trophy, Deodhar Trophy, and Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy.

The prize money for the Ranji Trophy winners has been raised to INR 5 crore, while the runners-up and losing semi-finalists will receive INR 3 crore and INR 1 crore respectively. The BCCI has also ensured an increase in the prize money for women’s tournaments.

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After increasing the prize money of domestic tournaments, the BCCI has now decided to introduce prize money for players as well. Jay Shah, on Monday (August 26), announced that the board would introduce prize money for the Player of the Match and the Player of the Tournament in all women’s and junior cricket tournaments.

The Player of the Match in the Vijay Hazare Trophy as well as Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy would also receive prize money. “We are introducing prize money for the Player of the Match and Player of the Tournament in all Women’s and Junior Cricket tournaments under our Domestic Cricket Programme,” Jay Shah wrote on X. “Additionally, prize money will be awarded for the Player of the Match in the Vijay Hazare and Syed Mushtaq Ali tournaments for Senior Men.”

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